

Ticks are external parasites, living on the blood of animal They can be vector of a number of diseases.

Generally ticks are of two type –

Hard ticks - which have thick outer shells. Hard ticks will attach themselves to the skin of a host for long periods of time.

Soft ticks - which have a membraneous outer surface and typically live in crevices and emerge briefly to feed.

Tick bites look like mosquito bites, but can also sometimes bruise or resemble a bullseye.

Tick Control

  • Ticks are best controlled by manual removal and keeping the surroundings clean and uncluttered. They are usually seen on the head and neck, on and in the ears and between the toes.
  • Use a tweezers or commercially available tick removal device and pull the tick off.
  • Wear rubber gloves while removing ticks to avoid contact with blood.
  • If the head of the tick remains in the skin, try to grab it and remove as much as possible
  • Use a chemical dip or a solution of Butox or Asuntol both on the dogs and its environment to kill fleas and ticks.
  • Ticks may be killed by spraying, dipping, bathing, or powdering, or applying topical medications to affected individuals with appropriate tick-killing products.
  • Some products that your veterinarian may recommend include topical spot-on products and certain tick collars. Topical spot-on products are applied on the skin between your pet's shoulders once a month. Some products include Frontline, Revolution and Kiltix.
  • Tick products for dogs should NEVER be used on cats because severe toxicity and death may occur.





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