Dog - Lice

Dog – Lice

Dog lice are gray, flat and wingless parasites that are about a 1/10 of inch long.


  • Intense scratching
  • Irritation that often results in bald patches
  • Scruffy & dry hair coat.
  • Hair loss
  • Heavy infestations of blood-sucking lice can lead to anemia
  • Dog lice are usually found on the area around the ears, neck, shoulders, and anus. Although dog lice are relatively large, you can spot their eggs in the dog's hair. Lice eggs called nits are easier to see because they are attached to the dog's hair and look like white tiny flakes of dust.

Treatment is very simple. Both biting and chewing lice are easily killed with flea and tick products. We prefer to bathe weekly with a pyrethrin shampoo. Once the pet is dry, powder heavily with a flea and tick powder. Repeat this process weekly for four weeks. It usually is not necessary to treat the environment, but flea and tick foggers may help, especially in severe cases. Keep all grooming utensils clean.

  • My vet sprayed Frontline to my 8 weeks lab Puppy and within a day all the lice were gone.
  • After 3 day the pup started to get hair in the bald area.


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