As a dog get older it becomes our responsibility to ensure that he receives the right amount of nutrition, exercise and veterinary care.

Right Bedding
An older dog can benefit from comfortable sleeping. Nowadays there are special bedding for dogs designed to take the pressure off of aging and aching joints.
Right Exercise
A good exercise routine can help the dogs to avoid problems common ageing like weight gain and arthritis. Exercise also improves digestion and bolld circulation. A leisurely walk or two a day plus some low-key playing should do the trick. Just make sure you don’t overdo it as this can cause over exhaustion for the dog at this age.
Balanced Nutrition
As the dog ages, the dietary needs change. You must ensure that you to choose a food that is appropriate for needs. As a general rule of thumb, a good older dog food will have fewer calories, enough protein, and vitamins and minerals that help your dog’s coat and teeth stay strong and healthy.
Weight gain due to slowing metabolisms is a common problem at this age. You can choose from a number of foods on the market with low fat and calories.
You must always ensure that the dog stays well hydrated.
Adequate Veterinary Care
At this point in dog’s life it is important to keep up on his health. You must ensure regular checkups and shots.
Go ahead and give your old compainion a happy life!