Fish - Feeding

Fish – Feeding

Basic Rule – Never Overfeed.

How Much?

A golden is to feed no more than the fish will consume completely in less than 3 minutes.
Fishes usually gobble all the food given even if they aren't starving. So in case of doubt you can “underfeed”.

How Often?

  • Frequency will vary based on the type of fish.
  • Most fish do quite well on one feeding per day.
  • Regardless of one or two feedings, the key is to keep the feedings very small.
  • Nocturnal fish should be fed before turning the lights out at night.
  • Herbivores (vegetarians) need to eat frequently because they do not have large stomachs to hold a lot of food. In nature they would graze all day long on plants. They should be given several small feedings a day, or provided with live plants they can nibble.
  • Newly hatched fry and young fish not fully grown, require more frequent feedings of special foods designed for fry.


  • Different fish are built to eat different types of foods. Do some research on your fish and determine what dietary type your fish is (omnivore, herbivore, or carnivore). Certain species of fish have very specific dietary needs, as do newly hatched fry. Here is a good resource for what to feed by fish breed -
  • A combination of dry as well frozen and fresh/live foods will ensure a well balanced diet.


How to feed them



Manufactured foods (pellets, flakes, tablets)


Made to provide a balance diet

Easy to use

Red Meat

Thin slice of raw meat

High in protein

Amounts should be small

White Meat

Should be cooked

High in protein

Amounts should be small

Live Fish

Small live fishes can be fed

High in protein

Some fishes are cannibals


Buy live or freeze-dried, can breed them

High in protein

Can carry diseases

Green Food

Chop up large peices finely

Provides vitamins

Some fishes are vegetarian

Starchy Foods(Potato, cereal)

Chop up large peices finely

Provides carbohydrate

Useful for vegetarians

Brine Shrimp

Can buy small tubs, can breed them

High in protein

Amounts should be small, don't feed after sell by date.

Feeding level: Depending on the size and the shape of the mouth, fish will feed on three levels: On the surface of the water; mid-water, where they wait for smaller morsel to drop down; and bottom feeding fish, where the fish digs around. Try to provide with the appropriate food with the respected levels.


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