Dog Advice – Scared of loud noises?

Dog Advice – Scared of loud noises?

Most of the dogs are scared of Loud noises like - fireworks, thunder, traffic etc.
Dogs displaying excessive fear can dangerous to themselves and those around them
as they may also react in ways that are destructive to the home and people around and these reactions may worsen when they are alone.

The Common Mistake
The most common mistake by dog owners to understand is that they start stroking the dog when he is displaying fear. The dog may goes into thinking that since he is being petted and rewarded by this behaviour he should continue doing it and this only makes it even worse.

The following tips should help to bring out you to get your dog out of his fear or phobia -

The best strategy when the dog displays fear when there is a loud noise like – fireworks on display is to simply ignore the dog. However important to keep an eye on the dog to make sure he does not hurt himself. The dog should be able to work out of the fear on his own.

The dog owners can try distraction to take their dog's mind off of the source of fear. For instance, if your dog is afraid of traffic noise you can collect some of his favourite toys and get his mind of the noise. Every time you see him scared - try playing with your dog to keep him engaged so that he can feel better.

Desensitization involves introducing the dog to small amounts of whatever noises frighten him. For instance, if the dog is afraid of fireworks, try recording such noise and play it slowly when the dog is relaxed. You must reward the dog for not showing fear responses. If he does show fear responses, do not comfort or soothe him but just ignore him.

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