Dog Care – Poison Safe
Dog are like our children utmost care should be take to ensure that no poisonous substance is in reach of your pet. It may be ok for us but not our pets.
Here are few pointers that I would like to hare that will help you keeping you dog poison safe –
Human Medication
Human medications should not be given to dogs without the consent of a veterinarian.. Sometimes a vet might suggest an over the counter remedy such as an allergy medicine, but never administer without checking first. A medication that is harmless to a human might be deadly to a dog. You must keep all medications locked away in the medicine cabinet.
Flea / Tick Products
Instructions on flea and tick products must be followed exactly and only use those specifically formulated for dogs. The quatity to be used must be adhered.
Keep your dog from nibbling on plants. There are various types that can be highly toxic and even ones that aren’t might cause stomach upset.
Rat Poison / Insecticides
Make sure rat poisons and other insecticides are kept in areas not accessible to your dog.
Cleaning Products
All the cleaning products must be out of your dog's reach. When cleaning his food and water bowls, use a mild dish detergent rather than a harsher cleaning product.
Chocolate can potentially cause vomiting, diarrhea and other disorders, and can even be fatal. Make sure you never give chocolate to your dog.
Alcohol can be toxic to dogs. Make sure alcohol is out of your dog's reach.
Others dangerous items
Keep your dog away from chemicals such as antifreeze, drain cleaners, lawn and pool/spa chemicals, paint, solvents, expanding glues and other home improvement products.