Dog Breeds - American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a breed of dog in the terrier group, one of several breeds loosely classified as pit bulls. Dogs of this breed are known for their strength, loyalty, and "gameness" (tenacity).


The APBT is the midsized breed of the three generally referred to as pit bulls.
Males - 35 to 65 pounds (16 to 29 kg),
Females - 30 to 60 pounds (16 to 27 kg), with height being proportional.

The coat is short, single layered, and stiff but glossy. Any color, save merle, is accepted and dogs may either have patches or be solid. All eye colors are accepted except blue. The tail is short and tapering. The body is solidly built and muscular, with a wide chest. The head is wedge shaped with some slight forehead wrinkles; the muzzle is medium sized with the teeth forming a scissors bite. The nose is preferably black, but red-nosed pit bulls are not uncommon. The life expectancy of this breed is approximately twelve years.


APBTs can be very sweet, curious, intelligent, and clownish. They are noted for their outgoing, affectionate, eager-to-please disposition and their fondness for people; they love attention and relish the company of humans. When raised with a firm but fair hand an APBT can make a wonderful family pet, however, APBTs can also be stubborn, pushy, and prone to display aggression towards other dogs. They generally have a lot of energy and high prey drive; they need exercise and stimulation in order to channel that energy properly and not become frustrated, bored, and destructive.

Unfortunately, this breed is also often the most common target of dog abuse in urban areas. Outside of dog fighting and guarding property, the APBTs have been found beaten, starved, burned, mutilated, and mistreated to make them particularly aggressive.


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