Fish Breeds – Angelfish

Fish Breeds – Angelfish

Angel Fish

Angel Fish (Pterophyllum ) is a fresh water fish , belonging to the Cichlidae family, and comes in a variety of color forms, and fin lengths.


Angels can grow upto 6” in diameter.


Angel Fish are known to have lived for at least 10 years, and with exceptionally good care they can probably live even longer.

Aquarium Care

  • Put 1 Angel to an aquarium or more than 3. Angels are Cichlids and like most Cichlids, if you keep just 2 or 3 in the same aquarium, the strongest one will make the others miserable. Angels do very well in a group with 6 or more Angels in a large aquarium with at least 50 gallons of water that is at least 18" deep.
  • Fishes that can be kept with angels are – Silver Dollars, Tetras, Corydoras Catfish, Livebearers such as Platies, Swordtails, and Mollies.
  • Angels can be fed on Floating flake food and freeze dried blood worms.
  • Angels like high temperatures -- 80 to 85 degrees F (27 - 29C).

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