Dog - Barking

Dog – Barking

Barking is the one of the noises most commonly produced by dogs.
They may bark to -

  • Attract attention,
  • Communicate a message,
  • Express excitement.


  • Disturbance barks - tend to be harsh, low frequency, and unmodulated,
  • Play barks - tend to be tonal, higher frequency, and modulated.
  • Warning bark -this kind of bark usually will start out as a low quiet but ferociously noticable growl, and it increases into somewhat of a howling bar
  • Alarm barking - it is a dog's attempt to be alert, attentive, and informative to his human "pack", as regarding unusual events. It does not signify aggression, and (although often associated with unusual noises intruding on the dog's 'territory') is not the same as territoriality type barking. It may take the form of just one or a few barks, or it may give rise to sustained barking until the dog sees that some action has been taken.

Bark control

Barking can be a nuisance to neighbours and is a common problem dog owners.
The following are the ways to handle barking –

  • Understand the cause & treat it.
  • Dogs are more likely to bark from anxiety or stress , so use positive training methods
  • Use a mechanical device such as a bark collar.
  • Distraction - as the stimulus happens, offer treats, give praise, do something to take the dog's mind off it or an alternate preferred behavior.
  • Correct dominant behavior - dogs often bark if they believe they are responsible for the pack. Make clear that you are responsible for the matter, and that he/she should hold back.
  • Use clicker training or other means to obtain barking behavior on command, and then shape that control to give you control over silence too.
  • Keep you dog happy.

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