Puppy Basics – Temperature

Puppy Basics – Temperature

A dog owner must know how to take temperature of as this may be helpful in finding out the health condition of the dog and may help in taking necessary action in time. .

Recording Temperature

  1. Shake down the thermometer until the reading is 96°F or less.
  2. Lubricate the thermometer with some Vaseline or lubricating jelly.
  3. Grasp your pet's tail at the base and raise it. Hold it firmly so your pet will not sit down. Reassure and talk quietly to your pet during the whole procedure. This will help keep your pet calm, relaxed, and holding still.
  4. Gently insert the bulb portion of the thermometer into your pet's anus. It works best if you use a twisting motion. Insert the thermometer about 1 inch in cats and small dogs, and up to three inches for giant breed dogs.
  5. Leave the thermometer in place for 1-2 minutes. Then remove it and wipe it with gauze or a cotton ball. Read the temperature at the end of the column of mercury.
  6. Clean the thermometer with rubbing alcohol and store it safely.

Normal Temperature –

  • A puppy’s normal temperature at birth is approximately 94 degrees.
  • During the first week, a normal temperature should be between 94 and 98 degrees (it increases gradually every day).
  • By three weeks old, the temperature should be 99 to 100 degrees.
  • After three weeks, it should be approaching the normal body temperature for an adult dog (101.5).
  • The normal range of rectal temperature of a dog is 99.5° to 102.5°F.

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